
Dictionary features to back wordle solutions

Module Contents


get_answers() → set[str]

Grab the Wordle answers as a set of string words

get_accepted_words() → set[str]

Grab the Wordle accepted words dictionary as a set of string words

get_asset_zip_as_set(asset_filename: str) → set[str]

Decompress a file in assets module into a set of words, separated by newline

pick_answer_word() → str

Pick a single word out of the dictionary of answers

check_valid_word(guess: str) → tuple[bool, Optional[str]]

Check a wordle guess is valid: length and in dictionary




literate_wordle.words.ANSWERS_FILENAME = wordle_answers_dict.txt.gz[source]
literate_wordle.words.ACCEPTED_FILENAME = wordle_accepted_words_dict.txt.gz[source]
literate_wordle.words.get_answers() set[str][source]

Grab the Wordle answers as a set of string words

literate_wordle.words.get_accepted_words() set[str][source]

Grab the Wordle accepted words dictionary as a set of string words

literate_wordle.words.get_asset_zip_as_set(asset_filename: str) set[str][source]

Decompress a file in assets module into a set of words, separated by newline

literate_wordle.words.pick_answer_word() str[source]

Pick a single word out of the dictionary of answers

literate_wordle.words.check_valid_word(guess: str) tuple[bool, Optional[str]][source]

Check a wordle guess is valid: length and in dictionary