
Each entry below is taken from a file found from the features/ folder, rendered into a a sphinxcontrib-needs requirement, and lists out the file’s content, rendered as Gherkin properly. Adding new files in features/ will make this page grow on next render.

List of requirements


Requirement: command_line_entrypoint.feature FEATURE_COMMAND_LINE_ENTRYPOINT ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Rendered from file features/command_line_entrypoint.feature
Feature: Pywordle shell command
  As a Wordle game
  I need a shell command to launch the game
  In order to give convenient entrypoint for players


Requirement: track_guesses.feature FEATURE_TRACK_GUESSES ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Rendered from file features/track_guesses.feature
Feature: Playing a round
  As a Wordle game
  I need to track how many guesses were already given, stating wins/losses
  In order to play the game

Scenario: First guess is allowed
  Given a wordle answer
  And I didn't guess before
  When I guess the word
  Then my guess is scored

Scenario: Sixth guess still allowed
  Given a wordle answer
  And I guessed 5 times
  When I guess the word
  Then my guess is scored

Scenario: Six failed guess is game over
  Given a wordle answer
  And I guessed 6 times already
  When I guess the word
  And my guess isn't the answer
  Then my guess is scored
  But game shows "Game Over"
  And game shows the real answer

Scenario: Winning guess
  Given a wordle answer
  And I guessed 3 times
  When I guess the word
  And my guess is the answer
  Then my guess is scored
  And score is perfect
  And game shows "Game Won"

Scenario: Invalid guess isn't counted
  Given a wordle answer
  And I guessed 3 times
  When I guess the word
  But my guess isn't a dictionary word
  Then my guess is rejected as invalid word
  And my guess is not scored


Requirement: checking_guess_valid_word.feature FEATURE_CHECKING_GUESS_VALID_WORD ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Rendered from file features/checking_guess_valid_word.feature
Feature: Checking a guess is a valid word
  As a Wordle game
  I need to confirm each guessed word is valid
  So that I only accept real words, no kwyjibo

Scenario: Reject long words
  When guessing "affable"
  Then the guess is rejected
  And reason for rejection is "Guess too long"

Scenario: Reject short words
  When guessing "baby"
  Then the guess is rejected
  And reason for rejection is "Guess too short"

Scenario: Reject fake words via dictionary
  When guessing "vbpdj"
  Then the guess is rejected
  And reason for rejection is "Not a word from the dictionary"

Scenario: Accept five letter dictionary words
  When guessing "crane"
  Then the guess is accepted


Requirement: pick_answer_word.feature FEATURE_PICK_ANSWER_WORD ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Rendered from file features/pick_answer_word.feature
Feature: Pick an answer word
  As a Wordle game
  I need to pick a random 5 letter word
  In order to let players guess it


Requirement: scoring_guess.feature FEATURE_SCORING_GUESS ../_images/arrow-right-circle.svg
Rendered from file features/scoring_guess.feature
Feature: Scoring guesses
  As a Wordle game
  I need to tell the player how good their guess is
  In order to help them find the proper answer

  Given a guess that's a valid dictionary word

Scenario: Perfect guess gives perfect score
  Given a wordle answer "crane"
  When scoring the guess "crane"
  Then score should be "🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩"

Scenario: No character in common
  Given a wordle answer "brave"
  When scoring the guess "skill"
  Then score should be "⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜"

Scenario: Character in wrong place
  Given a wordle answer "rebus"
  When scoring the guess "skull"
  Then score should be "🟨⬜🟨⬜⬜"

Scenario Outline: Scoring guesses
  Given a wordle <answer>
  When scoring <guess>
  Then score should be <score>

# Emoji (Unicode) character rendering is hard:
# Please forgive the table column alignment issues!
  Examples: A few guesses and their score
    | answer  | guess	| score		|
    | adage   | adobe	| 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟩	|
    | serif   | quiet	| ⬜⬜🟨🟨⬜	|
    | raise   | radix	| 🟩🟩⬜🟨⬜	|

  Examples: Multiple occurences of same character
    | answer | guess	| score		|
    | abbey  | kebab	| ⬜🟨🟩🟨🟨	|
    | abbey  | babes	| 🟨🟨🟩🟩⬜	|
    | abbey  | abyss	| 🟩🟩🟨⬜⬜	|
    | abbey  | algae	| 🟩⬜⬜⬜🟨	|
    | abbey  | keeps	| ⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜	|
    | abbey  | abate	| 🟩🟩⬜⬜🟨	|

  Examples: Reported bug: multiple occurence of same character in guess
    | answer | guess	| score		|
    | train  | xenon	| ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟩	|

Requirements summary

Requirements list




















