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Jb Doyon’s personal website

Recent posts

Oct 1, 2019
Presenting Android terminal with Termux (EdLug) Last night, I presented about Termux to EdLug, the Edinburgh Linux User group (see the event page on meetup.com) in a talk titled “The freedom of shelling out on Android”. It was tons of fun showing off how your Android phone/tablet getting a terminal unlocks a powerful tool! I've made the slides available on this website, click on the slide below. Remember that there are speaker notes for people following at home, press `S` to use them.…
Sep 18, 2019
First post Welcome to my website! This blog is meant to record some of the thoughts I keep coming back to, or discussions I’ve had over and over again with different people. My rule of thumb for inclusion here is “if you’ve had to say it more than twice, it’s time to write it down”. See the About page for my background and motivations. Look forward more posts as I try to condense my thoughts in written form.…