"""Test a couple of Sources"""
from mass_driver.models.repository import SourcedRepo
from mass_driver.tests.fixtures import massdrive_runlocal
def test_template_source(datadir, monkeypatch):
"""Check that the source is discovered OK"""
# Given a source config using template source
activityconfig_filepath = datadir / "template_source.toml"
# And a repo template to expand
# When I run mass-driver
res = massdrive_runlocal(None, activityconfig_filepath)
# Then I get sourced repos
sourced = res.repos_sourced
assert sourced, "Should have gotten repos sourced"
assert len(sourced) == 3, "Should have gotten 3 repos"
repos = list(sourced.values())
assert isinstance(repos[0], SourcedRepo), "Should have gotten a SourcedRepo back"
def test_csv_source(datadir, monkeypatch):
"""Check that the CSV source is discovered OK"""
# Given a source config using template source
activityconfig_filepath = datadir / "csv_source.toml"
# And a repo template to expand
# When I run mass-driver
res = massdrive_runlocal(None, activityconfig_filepath)
# Then I get sourced repos
sourced = res.repos_sourced
assert sourced, "Should have gotten repos sourced"
assert len(sourced) == 2, "Should have gotten 2 CSV repos"
repos = list(sourced.values())
assert isinstance(repos[0], SourcedRepo), "Should have gotten a SourcedRepo back"
assert "extra_key" in repos[0].patch_data, "Should have parsed extra CSV field"