

Below is the rendered version of the project’s file, found at the root of the code repository.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog. The project uses semantic versioning (see semver).

v0.18.0 - 2023-11-21


  • New SingleFileEditor, derived from PatchDriver, for editing single files.

    • Parameter target_file, will be fed its text content to process_file().

    • Use via from mass_driver.drivers.bricks import SingleFileEditor.

  • New GlobFileEditor, similarly for editing multiple files from glob pattern.

    • Use via from mass_driver.drivers.bricks import GlobFileEditor.

v0.17.1 - 2023-11-13


  • Update pyGithub to 2.1.1, now throttles Github API to avoid ratelimits


  • Catch and log import errors during activity loading, previously silent crashes

v0.17.0 - 2023-11-12


  • Completing an activity (source, migration, forge) now summarizes results

    • Breakdown of repo count per outcome type, then sorted list of repos per type

  • FASTER: Optional, experimental multi-threaded per-repo processsing! Handling of clone, scan, patching is done as individual thread per repo, with N=8 pooled threads.

    • Early data shows a x6 improvement in performance, as cloning one repo doesn’t block others anymore.

    • Enable via new experimental flag run --parallel, defaulting to False


  • BREAKING: RenamedRepo to SourcedRepo in mass_driver.models.repository

    • This exposes better the idea of “a Repo as it was Source-d”, in contrast to ClonedRepo “a Repo after it was cloned”.

    • Also avoids clashes with git.Repo object from gitpython dependency.

  • Replaced all print() calls to logging module

  • Loggers used are mostly nested:

    • from root (default)

    • to run (or other file-activity-based)

    • to run.repo.<repo-id> for logs for a specific repo’s processing

    • to subloggers like run.repo.<repo-id>.driver.<driver-plugin-name>

  • PatchDriver now has a logger obj for such customized logging: Repo-processing sets Patchdriver.logger named run.repo.<repo-id>.driver.<driver-plugin-name>

    • ACTION: Please replace any print with!

v0.16.4 - 2023-11-04


  • Attempting to run a Forge activity with git_push_first=True, without migration or scan activity, no longer causes exit without processing any repos. Clone step invoked properly mean remote-clone URLs are now supported, converted to local filepaths internally.

  • make docs now works again with sphinx-autodoc2: Pinned astroid dep to 2.15.8 (< 3.0.0) to avoid the regression caused by unpinned astroid.

v0.16.3 - 2023-09-11


  • ShellDriver no longer crashes due to irrelevant dataclass import

  • Updated pyGithub, fixes “missing cryptography” error

  • Error messages for bad config file for Sources no longer insist wrongly about “Forge config error”. Now detecting the validation error’s model properly.

  • Failing to load a scanner that was selected in config now throws ImportError on the first plugin-load failure, instead of silently skipping the scanner.


  • Updated to python-template v1.3.0 (from 1.1.0)

v0.16.2 - 2023-07-25


  • github-app forge no longer crashes due to type confusion on a param.

v0.16.1 - 2023-07-15


  • Formatting of the % of PR per status back to 2 digits precision not 11.

v0.16.0 - 2023-07-13

Breaking interface of Forge to facilitate new view-pr feature.


  • New view-pr feature for bulk reviewing the status of PRs that already exist.


  • BREAKING: New Forge.get_pr_status(), required from derived classes, returning a string status, used as key to group PRs together for summary purposes.

  • BREAKING: New Forge.pr_statuses property, required from derived classes, returning a list of all possible string statuses of Forge.get_pr_status(), sorted from most complete (e.g. merged) to least complete (e.g. not merged, has merge-conflicts).


  • BREAKING: Removed Forge.get_pr(), which had unclear return type anyway.

v0.15.0 - 2023-07-05


Major break of interface: Rework of the cloning system, merges migration/scan codepaths, enabling use of Source-discovered information in

  • BREAKING: passes ClonedRepo obj, not pathlib.Path.

    • Any use of repo in your should use repo.cloned_path.

    • See ClonedRepo docs, contains information derived from Source, such as patch_data field, arbitrary source-issued information dict.

  • BREAKING: tests.fixtures.massdrive() now returns 3-item-tuple, not 2.

    • Returned tuple: PatchResult, ForgeResult, ScanResult (or None)

    • Any tests using fixtures.massdrive should now set mig, forge, scan =

    • Swap fixtures.massdrive_scan with fixtures.massdrive accepting 2 junk arg

  • BREAKING: mass-driver scan CLI removed, now part of mass-driver run. Activity flow for run command is now:

    • Source discovery phase (if any, or from CLI), generating Repo list

    • Main phase, iterating over each Repo, first to clone them =ClonedRepo list

    • Inside main phase, scan (if any), generating ScanResult

    • Inside main phase, migrate (if any), generating MigrationResult

    • After main phase, interactively pause for review if requested

    • Forge activity, iterating over each repo again, creating ForgeResult

  • BREAKING: models.source module renamed to models.repository.


  • Scan+Migration+Forge can now ALL happen in one run command:

    • Clones one repo, then scanning it, then migrating it, then next repo

    • Can thus do all of Source -> [Clone] -> Scan -> Migrate -> Forge

  • New csv-filelist Source for importing repos in CSV file format

  • New tests.fixture.massdrive_runlocal() func to enable source testing


  • Secret tokens for Github plugins no longer leak on config dump (--json-outfile flag), by replacing str with pydantic.SecretStr.

    • Docs updated to warn downstream devs about this risk.

  • Pin pydantic to 1.*, as breaking version 2.0 was just released.

v0.14.0 - 2023-06-08


  • New source feature for discovering what repos to patch/scan.

    • Sources are plugins with discover() method, returning Repos by ID.

    • Alternative sources subcommand to list and detail them

    • New TOML file entry [mass-driver.source], with subkey source_name used to select which source plugin to enable.

    • Simple sources provided:

      • repo-list for in-activity-file repository list

      • repo-filelist to point to a separate file listing repos

      • template-filelist to expand a template against a file listing repos

    • github-search and github-app-search Sources for Github Repository search

    • CLI args --repo-path and --repo-filelist still available, overriding any source, so that massdriver.source is only required if lacking CLI args

  • CI (pytest, pre-commit) set up via Github Actions: PR #1

v0.13.2 - 2023-06-03


  • New file_ownership parameter for stamper, defaulting to 0664.


  • Exit codes harmonized:

    • 0 for success

    • 1 for failures during the main function

    • 2 for argument parsing errors

  • stamper driver now creates any missing parent folder to the target

  • Remove test depending on git clone from Github: Faster, offline tests now

v0.13.1 - 2023-04-17


  • scan command now uses --json-outfile as expected

v0.13.0 - 2023-04-17


  • New scan feature for scanning repos with arbitrary python functions. See new “Scanning” docs:

    • Scanners are plugins declared under mass-driver.scanners, linking to functions like my_scanner(repo: Path) -> dict[str, Any]

    • Alternative scanners command to list out detected, available scanners

    • New TOML file entry [mass-driver.scan], with subkey scanner_names used to select which scanner plugins to enable.

    • Simple scanners root-files and dockerfile-from provided for reference

    • New fixture massdriver_scan and massdriver_scan_check for testing scanners

  • New optional CLI parameter --json-outfile for run and scan, to save the activity outcome to JSON files for analysis


  • Test fixture massdrive_check_file now returns unchecked result and reference blobs for equality assertion (assert result == reference) to be done by the caller. This enables plugins like pytest-clarity to show colorful diff. Users of massdrive_check_file need to change (on pain of lack of test assertion):

- massdrive_check_file(workdir)
+ result, reference = massdrive_check_file(workdir)
+ assert result == reference, "Massdriver result should match reference"

v0.12.0 - 2023-04-05


  • Auto-detect repo’s base branch for Forge: parameter base_branch now optional, defaulting to repo’s default branch

v0.11.0 - 2023-04-02


  • New github-app forge plugin for creating PRs on Github when running mass-driver as a Github App

  • New Forge params:

    • forge_config dict, for Forge-specific non-sensitive config to keep in config file, complementing envvars. Similar to driver_config for Migration.

    • interactive_pause_every int, for blocking the Forge, pausing for confirmation interactively every few PRs generated. Disabled by default, set to 1 to block every PR, or 5 every 5…

v0.10.0 - 2023-04-02


  • Unused migration_name field of Migration now removed


  • Forge subclasses can now grab config via envvars prefixed FORGE_. Observe that Forge now derives from pydantic.BaseSettings, see BaseSettings docs.

  • New, simpler testing fixture massdrive_check_file for PatchDriver that affect single files

v0.9.0 - 2023-03-12


  • New optional Migration params: commit_author_name + commit_author_email, used to override the git commit author.

v0.8.0 - 2023-02-24


  • New file type Activity combines Migration and Forge

  • New Forge named dummy for testing purposes

  • New git_push_first boolean param in Forge to disable git pushing.

  • New ActivityOutcome to capture the full result of a migration/forge sequence


  • Replace commands run-migration + run-forge by new run, using the Activity file type with optionals.

  • Internals refactored: all Pydantic objects now under mass_driver.models (PatchDriver, Forge, Activity)


  • Options --really-commit-changes and --dry-run

v0.7.0 - 2023-02-22


  • New to clarify The Plan.


  • Upgrade minimum Python version to 3.11 to use tomllib

  • Replace tomlkit with stdlib tomllib


  • Migrations, once loaded from TOML, are now proper dict again

  • PatchDriver instance now independent across repos

v0.6.1 - 2023-02-06


  • Upgrade pre-commit dependencies + poetry in Dockerfile

  • Update pyproject.toml for release to Pypi

v0.6.0 - 2023-02-04


  • Forges now discovered via setuptools

  • New “run-forge” subcommand for creating PRs for on-disk branches

  • Implemented GithubForge for PR creation on Github

  • New “Stamper” PatchDriver for “stamping” new files on repos


  • Incorrect Repo creation causing silent cloning errors on some devices

v0.5.0 - 2023-01-24


  • New plugin system for including third-party PatchDrivers, based on the setuptools “entrypoints” system.

  • CLI Subcommands for inspecting drivers, running migrations…

  • PatchDriver test harness, for ease of plugin development.

  • Project objectives (gherkin features in features/) now part of docs


  • PatchDriver now inherits Pydantic BaseModel (allows serialization)

  • PatchDriver func prototype: run(repo: Path) -> PatchResult


  • Complex PatchDrivers (the ones requiring package dependencies) removed, moved to separate “plugins” repo.

v0.4.0 - 2022-11-16


  • New Jsonpatch Driver, for applying an RFC6902 JSON Patch

  • New PreCommit Driver, for running pre-commit autoupdate

  • New ShellDriver for running arbitrary shell commands

  • New mass-driver(1) man page output to make docs

v0.3.1 - 2022-11-11


  • PatchDriver API simplified, now using single func for detect + patch: called via Path, dry_run: bool).

  • CLI simplified when exposing, now uses either --dry-run (the default setup) or --really-commit-changes for committing (not pushing)

v0.3.0 - 2022-11-11


  • Poetry Driver stub for major version of packages in pyproject.toml. Showcases JSON Pointers (RFC6901) for structured fields modification.

v0.2.0 - 2022-11-11


  • Basic clone/detect/patch/commit workflow, with basic Github support

v0.1.0 - 2022-11-10


  • New python module mass_driver, exposed as shell command mass-driver