"""Validate an 'Activity', a single file that does both Migration and Forge
Feature: Unified 'Activities' for separable migration-then-forge
from pathlib import Path
import pytest
from mass_driver.forge_run import PROutcome
from mass_driver.forges.dummy import DUMMY_PR_URL
from mass_driver.models.patchdriver import PatchOutcome
from mass_driver.tests.fixtures import (
def test_migration_and_forge(tmp_path, shared_datadir, monkeypatch):
"""Feature: Validate the Forge CLI
As the mass-driver dev
I need to ensure run command works (migration then forge)
To avoid regressions of the overall CLI
Note that this is NOT a test of the specific Forge, as we intentionally
stripped this forge of any real complexity, this is instead a check that the CLI
pipeline still works.
repo_path = Path(tmp_path / "test_repo/")
copy_folder(Path(shared_datadir / "sample_repo"), repo_path)
repo_id = "."
activityconfig_filepath = shared_datadir / "activity.toml"
# When I run mass-driver
result = massdrive_runlocal(None, activityconfig_filepath)
if result is None:
# Note: "return" is to trick mypy to the early-exit of pytest.fail()
return pytest.fail("Should have a result")
if result.migration_result is None:
return pytest.fail("Should have a migration result")
if result.forge_result is None:
return pytest.fail("Should have a migration result")
migration_result, forge_result = (
# Then I get OK outcome on migration
assert (
migration_result.outcome == PatchOutcome.PATCHED_OK
), "Wrong outcome from patching"
# And PR creation is OK
assert forge_result.outcome == PROutcome.PR_CREATED, "Should succeed creating PR"
# And I get the PR URL I want
assert (
forge_result.pr_html_url == DUMMY_PR_URL
), "Should have returned correct PR URL"
def test_scan(tmp_path, shared_datadir):
"""Feature: Scan repositories
As a mass-driver user
I need to scan repo contents
To discover what migration need to be prepared
repo_path = Path(tmp_path / "test_repo/")
copy_folder(Path(shared_datadir / "sample_repo"), repo_path)
activityconfig_filepath = shared_datadir / "activity.toml"
# When I run a mass-driver scan
_mig, _forge, scan_result = massdrive(str(repo_path), activityconfig_filepath)
# Then I get scan results
assert isinstance(scan_result, dict), "Should return dict scan result"
# And scan result is correct
assert "root-files" in scan_result.keys(), "Should have 'root-files' Scanner"
assert scan_result["root-files"][
], "Should have discovered README.md in sample repo"