"""A dummy source, returning the list of objects it was given"""
import csv
from pathlib import Path
from pydantic import FilePath
from mass_driver.models.repository import IndexedRepos, RepoUrl, Source, SourcedRepo
class RepolistSource(Source):
"""A Source that just returns a pre-configured list of repositories"""
repos: list[RepoUrl]
"""The configured list of repositories to use, as list of cloneable URL"""
def discover(self) -> IndexedRepos:
"""Discover a list of repositories"""
return {url: SourcedRepo(clone_url=url, repo_id=url) for url in self.repos}
class RepoFilelistSource(Source):
"""A Source reads repo list from file"""
repo_file: FilePath
"""The path to the file that holds repos to read"""
def discover(self) -> IndexedRepos:
"""Discover a list of repositories"""
repo_file_path = Path(self.repo_file)
if not repo_file_path.is_file():
raise ValueError(
f"SourcedRepo-file path not a real file: '{self.repo_file}'"
repo_list = repo_file_path.read_text().strip().split("\n")
return {url: SourcedRepo(clone_url=url, repo_id=url) for url in repo_list}
class TemplateFileSource(Source):
"""A Source that reads repo id from file, templating the clone URL around it"""
repo_file: FilePath
"""The path to the newline-delimited file that holds repo ids"""
clone_url_template: str
"""The repo clone URL template string, ready to inject ID into. Must contain {id}"""
def discover(self) -> IndexedRepos:
"""Discover a list of repositories"""
if not self.repo_file.is_file():
raise ValueError(f"Path not a real file: '{self.repo_file}'")
id_list = self.repo_file.read_text().strip().split("\n")
return {
repo_id: SourcedRepo(
clone_url=self.clone_url_template.format(id=repo_id), repo_id=repo_id
for repo_id in id_list
class CSVFileSource(Source):
"""Source reading repos from CSV file, attaching to patch_data any extra fields"""
csv_file: FilePath
"""The path to the CSV file that holds repos"""
reader_args: dict = {}
"""Keyword-arguments to pass to csv.DictReader"""
def discover(self) -> IndexedRepos:
"""Discover a list of repositories"""
if not self.csv_file.is_file():
raise ValueError(f"Path not a real file: '{self.repo_file}'")
reader_args = self.reader_args if self.reader_args else {}
out: IndexedRepos = {}
with open(self.csv_file) as csv_file:
reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file, **reader_args)
for row in reader:
# Grab all the SourcedRepo-matching fields off CSV row
repo_fields = set(SourcedRepo.__fields__) - {"patch_data"}
csv_repo_fields = {k: row[k] for k in repo_fields if k in row}
# Anything NOT in SourcedRepo fields goes to patch_data = {fieldname:csv-value}
csv_extra_fields = row.keys() - repo_fields
csv_extra_dict = {k: row[k] for k in csv_extra_fields}
repo_obj = SourcedRepo(**csv_repo_fields, patch_data=csv_extra_dict)
repo_id = row["repo_id"]
out[repo_id] = repo_obj
return out