Source code for mass_driver.cli

"""Command line entrypoint for mass-driver"""
import logging
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, FileType
from typing import Callable

from mass_driver import commands

[docs] def gen_parser() -> ArgumentParser: """Create the initial parser""" parser = ArgumentParser( "mass-driver", description="Send bulk repo change requests", ) return parser
[docs] def repo_list_group(subparser: ArgumentParser): """Inject the repo-path/repo-filelist group of args""" repolist_group = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=False) repolist_group.add_argument( "--repo-path", nargs="*", help="One or more Repositories to patch. If not local paths, will git clone them", ) repolist_group.add_argument( "--repo-filelist", type=FileType("r"), help="File with list of Repositories to Patch. If not local paths, will git clone them", )
[docs] def cache_arg(subparser: ArgumentParser): """Add the cache/no-cache arguments""" subparser.add_argument( "--no-cache", help="Disable any repo caching", action="store_true", )
[docs] def activity_arg(subparser: ArgumentParser): """Add the Activity file selector argument""" subparser.add_argument( "activity_file", help="Filepath of activity to apply (TOML file)", type=FileType("r"), )
[docs] def jsonout_args(subparser: ArgumentParser): """Add the output files argument""" subparser.add_argument( "--json-outfile", help="If set, store the output to JSON file with this name", type=FileType("w"), )
[docs] def plugin_subparser(subparser, plugin: str, func: Callable): """Inject a generic subparser for listing out plugin details""" plugins = subparser.add_parser( f"{plugin}s", aliases=[plugin], help=f"Inspect {plugin}s (Plugins)", ) plugins.add_argument( "--list", action="store_true", help=f"List available {plugin}s" ) plugins.add_argument("--info", help=f"Show docs of a specific {plugin}") plugins.set_defaults(func=func)
[docs] def run_subparser(subparser): """Inject the run subparser""" run = subparser.add_parser( "run", help="Run mass-driver, migration/forge activity across repos", ) activity_arg(run) jsonout_args(run) run.add_argument( "--no-pause", help="Disable the interactive pause between Migration and Forge", action="store_true", ) run.add_argument( "--parallel", help="Run the processing of repos in parallel, via up to 8 threads", action="store_true", ) cache_arg(run) repo_list_group(run) run.set_defaults(dry_run=True, func=commands.run_command)
[docs] def scanners_subparser(subparser): """Inject the scanners subparser""" # "Scanners" are a little simpler than other plugins (func vs pydantic class) # Hence get their own smaller function, cannot reuse plugin_subparser scan = subparser.add_parser( "scanners", help="List available scanners", ) scan.set_defaults(func=commands.scanners_command)
[docs] def reviewpr_subparser(subparser): """Inject the view PR subparser""" run = subparser.add_parser( "view-pr", help="Check status of given pull requests", ) prlist_group = run.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True) prlist_group.add_argument( "--pr", nargs="*", help="One or more pull requests to review", ) prlist_group.add_argument( "--pr-filelist", type=FileType("r"), help="File with list of pull requests", ) run.add_argument( "forge", help="The name of the Forge plugin to use to look up status" ) run.set_defaults(dry_run=True, func=commands.review_pr_command)
[docs] def subparsers(parser: ArgumentParser) -> ArgumentParser: """Add the subparsers for all commands""" subparser = parser.add_subparsers(dest="cmd", title="Commands") subparser.required = True plugin_subparser(subparser, "driver", commands.drivers_command) plugin_subparser(subparser, "forge", commands.forges_command) plugin_subparser(subparser, "source", commands.sources_command) run_subparser(subparser) scanners_subparser(subparser) reviewpr_subparser(subparser) return parser
[docs] def cli(arguments: list[str]): """Run the mass_driver cli""" logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) parser = subparsers(gen_parser()) pargs = parser.parse_args(arguments) try: return pargs.func(pargs) # Dispatch to the subcommand func (drivers/run) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.error("Uncaught exception") # , exc_info=e # No catching backtrace! return False
[docs] def main(): """Run mass-driver as CLI, not from API call""" arguments = sys.argv[1:] main_result = cli(arguments) return 0 if main_result else 1